Joanne's E-Stim Emporium

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Bienvenue dans notre petit coin d'Internet. Nous sommes Joanne, Ian et Rachel, trois stimeurs qui ont réussi à se tailler une petite place au sein de la scène.

Nous fabriquons des électrodes e-stim imprimées en 3D depuis 2018 et sommes nous-mêmes des stimulateurs très actifs.

Nous sommes fiers de fournir des solutions uniques aux problèmes auxquels d'autres sont confrontés et notre boutique e-stim propose une gamme des meilleurs équipements e-stim des principaux fabricants et des plus grands noms de la scène.

Restez au courant de nos pitreries...

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2024-Was-Great-2025-Should-Be-Better Joanne's E-Stim Emporium

2024 Was Great, 2025 Should Be Better

With 2024 out of the way, we focus on 2025 and what that has in store for us. Come and see what e-stim ideas and projects we have in mind.


New-E-Stim-Systems-Bipolar-ElectroWands Joanne's E-Stim Emporium

New E-Stim Systems Bipolar ElectroWands

E-Stim Systems have just launched a new bipolar electrode, their Bi-Polar Electrowands. Believe in the magic - BiPolar Electrowand We were fortunate to be sent a pair of them a couple of weeks ago so we could get to know...


Toothless E-Stim Nerd YouTube Channel

Toothless E-Stim Nerd YouTube Channel

Stunt Cock has created his very own YouTube channel that will focus on everything to do with electrosex. It's definitely worth checking out.


Say hello to the 35mm Jet Set Willy and Helmet E-Stim Electrodes - Joanne's E-Stim Emporium

Say hello to the 35mm Jet Set Willy and Helmet E-Stim Electrodes

It's been a long time coming, but the design for the 35mm version of these e-stim electrodes is finished, and they are being manufactured as I type this. So they should both be in stock within the next two weeks....
